Honor Where Honor is Due

October 27, 2008| Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes
October 27, 2008|By Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes

Honor Where Honor is Due

This blog is long overdue, but I thought I’d stop and say thank you to everyone who has helped us along the way.


…to Grandma (great grandma) Nita for your love and support. It truly is a blessing to have a Grandma who cares so much for her children, grandchildren and great grand-children. We really do appreciate it and I will make sure Jonny thanks you himself when he is old enough. We hope to visit you in the spring time after the snow melts.

…to Grandpa and Grandma for their love and VERY generous support, and also for the carpet we hope to install soon. We hope to visit everyone over the mountains in the spring.

…to Papa and Grammy for taking the little guy for all Friday night and Saturday morning so we could have a night to recuperate…and for volunteering to do it every Friday night and Saturday morning. It is a blessing to have some time alone together. Mama and I are happy to oblige.

To Auntie, for cooking us meal upon meal upon meal so we could eat, for staying up with the little guy when he was a newborn so we could sleep, and for checking up on us every other day to see how we are holding up. Words can’t say enough.

…to Uncle G. and Auntie S. who dropped everything and drove all the way from 4 hours away leaving two of their kids two hours away and bringing their 10-month-old little boy to watch our 3-month-old little boy for a night (kicking us into a hotel for a full night of sleep). I know how difficult it is to get Jonny to sleep at night. I can’t imagine the Jonny-cousin combo cry at 3am.

…also for your generosity, paying for our hotel, cooking us lunch, buying us Papa Murphy’s takeout for however long it lasts, doing our laundry, cleaning our bathrooms (don’t think I didn’t notice!), buying our diapers and groceries (then and for the next 3 weeks!) even though I was no help in telling you what we needed, for doing all of that after driving across the state, staying up all night and still having a smile on your face when we got home! You guys went above and beyond what is expected of anyone to help us out. We cannot thank you enough! It truly was a breath of fresh air.

To (Auntie S’s Mom) for all the food, the cookies, spaghetti, oatmeal bars, jambalaya, chili, pot pie, and everything else we have yet to discover now hidden in our freezer.
Yummy yummy yummy!!

…to Auntie L. for bringing us lattes when she visits so we can stay awake another few hours,

…to our nanny, for watching Jonny during the day so Mommy and Daddy can work (and sleep occasionally)

…to my boss/co-workers for being flexible and understanding with my new work schedule

…and to everyone who supports us with gifts, letters, notes, and comments, from near and far, our friends and family

…lastly, to you for taking the time to read this, and keep up to date with our comings-and-goings, thank you. We are truly honored. I will try to keep you updated as much as I can.


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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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