An eventful day…

November 1, 2008| Jason Michael Reynolds|5 Minutes
November 1, 2008|By Jason Michael Reynolds|5 Minutes

An eventful day…

Well, today was certainly eventful.

Jonny has miraculously switched his sleeping schedule to sleep from around 7:00pm to around 5:00am, (waking up every 3 hours or so to eat and burp and then going directly to sleep again). Today he went to sleep at about 6:30pm …bear in mind that tomorrow is the end of daylight savings time so technically it was 5:30. Ugh if only daylight savings started tomorrow instead of ended tomorrow, then he would be going to sleep at about 7:30ish and waking up around 6:00am. But I guess I will settle for going to sleep at 5:30pm and getting up at 4:30 am.

This morning, when I finally got Jonny out of bed and was carrying him downstairs, the orange torpedo (aka our kitty Captain) darted under my foot trying to race me down the stairs. In an attempt to avoid stepping on the cat, I stepped to the side, losing my footing completely, feet going straight out and landing smack on my back and rear end half way down the stairs. Extremely startled, Jonny cried furiously for all of about 10 seconds in my arms and then smiled at me (see what 10 hours of sleep does for the baby?). Father and son are just fine, though my back, tailbone, and hindquarters hurt when I sit, I count it a blessing Jonny was not hurt at all.

Then, after that for a wake-up buzz (who needs coffee, when there’s good old adrenaline?) I met up with an old college friend of mine at a college alumni luncheon. It was a chance to get out of the house, though we skipped the game. It was a good time, Jonny was an absolute angel. He slept for about an hour and fussed ever so slightly when he was ready for food. Mama couldn’t make it because she had to work so I took my parents along instead. Jonny can’t use a high chair or a carrier so someone always has to be holding Jonny while the other person eats. Grammy and Papa were more than happy to oblige. Heck, they even met up with someone they went to college with. Jonny was the hit of the luncheon and we discussed how if Jonny decides to go to my alma mater (aside from it being around $100k/year) he will be the graduating class of 2030.

Then after getting home from all the fun, I got Jonny to laugh *FOR REAL* for the first time…AND I was able to get him to laugh 5 more times after that. It is the first time he has ever laughed and I get the impression he was unsure of how to do it ‘properly’, it resembled more of a fussy whine, but with a smile on his face. I had to demonstrate a couple times for him and he copied me. Did I mention I’ve been waiting for almost 4 months for this moment? It was pure joy.

On a more somber note, over the last couple of weeks, I’ve noticed what sounds like it could be a clicking of some kind in his cast (like a joint click). We go in on November 14th to recast him and I’m praying his hips have not popped back out but we will have to wait and see what the surgeon says. If they have popped back out, then he will have to have an ‘open reduction’ surgery to reset them (a more invasive surgery).

We will see. For now, it is around 8:30 and Jonny has been asleep for 2 hours now uninterrupted and I am reveling in the fact that he is sleeping while it is dark out…and he has learned how to laugh.

I’ll take my small victories any day and any way.

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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