“Whatever designer decided to put buttons on a baby’s outfit (that you actually have to button up) has obviously never dressed a baby.”
Honestly, couldn’t they just put snaps on and then sew the buttons on the outside so it looks like there are buttons being used? I don’t think babies will mind incredibly the fashion ‘boo-boo’ ( I can’t spell faux-paw or however it goes)…and frankly I woudn’t mind baby clothing with a bit more ‘velcro’ myself to be honest.
I think whenever Jonny gets mobile enough to dress himself…he will choose to go “NAKIEEEEE” all the time. That kid can be wailing nail-pulling torture, but as soon as you set him on the changing table and start to take his onesie off, he is all smiles and giggly. I bet we will have to remind him to put his pants on before leaving for school when he gets older.
So that’s it. I have stayed up my extra half an hour waiting for Jonny to wake up again and he hasn’t so I’m off to bed. Hopefully I’ll open my eyes again at around 9am….