Welcome to my 101’th post of this blog…and my 3rd cup of coffee today.
Ahh where to start. Jonny is cutting a lot of teeth. A lot. I lost count. We have him suped up on Motrin, Baby Tylenol, and some Homeopathic Teething Tablets. I think one of them may have given him an upset tummy because he has had the runs for about 3 days. It also may be the lack of fiber in his diet. Which yesterday consisted of…blueberries.
That’s it…20 blueberries.
The pain in his mouth has been so severe that he has refused food for the past 3 days and has opted to drink his meals. Luckily I switched him back to his Fiber enhanced Pediasure so we’ll see how that works for him.
One method I have found that works for FORCE-feeding him is letting him watch his favorite show while he eats.
Yes, Jonny loves THE MUPPET SHOW from the 1970s.

Yes, Jonny loves THE MUPPET SHOW from the 1970s. He could not care less about any other TV shows be it cartoon, basketball game, or the news. It’s all about The Muppets. I have found that if I can sufficiently distract him enough, I can slip my spoon past his defenses and get him some of his yogurt (which, I might add, is his FAVORTE FOOD). Never thought I would have to force feed him his favorite food. But I’m sure it will pass. In the meantime, sleeping at night is now optional for daddy. Mommy has worked the last 4 days so letting him cry it out has not been really an option (Mama gets up for work at 5:00am).
The last few days, he has been getting better for eating so we don’t have to rely on it for distraction to eating, but man when The Muppets comes on, he is in another zone.