Summer Birthdays!

July 20, 2010| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
July 20, 2010|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

Summer Birthdays!

Wow this blog has been neglected. You like how I just threw up pics for the last 2 without so much as a caption?

Jonny has been getting rashes during the last couple summers. We first started noticing them after he went camping and we originally attributed it to an allergic reaction to grass or to the sun. However, he has also broken out at night in his crib often waking him up from the irritation and itching. He gets it on his legs, and also on his arms. We are unsure where they are coming from. Cortaid does seem to help and lotion as well.

Any other ideas out there what’s causing it? Is it just ‘heat rash?’ Last time he got them, it was barely above 70 in the house.

This month features Mama’s birthday and Jonny turing 2! Ahh!! summer birthdays are hot!

Jonny turned 2 on the 11th and he is already acting it. Seriously…who taught him the word “NO?” It seems to now be his favorite word of all time. This week he has also learned what a ‘time-out’ is since his new hobby is ‘hitting’ when he doesn’t get his way. (I know, I know, “NOT JONNY!!”) It is only with Mommy and Daddy so far. He is still an absolute angel for Grammy and Papa and his nanny.

For Jonny’s birthday, we celebrated at the park. Daddy made the mistake of bringing out the big present first (the Little Tykes car) and we ended up having to hand him the rest of the presents while he sat in his car. I’m glad he liked it though. It took Daddy and Mommy 2 hours to put the thing together.

Last weekend we went to our relatives’ cabin out near Westport and had a blast. For my dad’s birthday back in February my sister and I got him a fishing charter for the family sometime this summer. When the time to shove off finally arrived, the number of people going dwindled from “everyone except someone to watch Jonny” to “just Grandpa and Daddy.”

We caught like 30lbs worth of Ling Cod and Sea Bass over 8 hours. Daddy got pretty seasick. He packed a huge lunch and ate none of it… even donated his breakfast to the fish…a few times.

Jonny learned how to play on the beach, though he didn’t much like the water, he walked knee-deep right into a tide pool. We even saw a bald eagle.

Jonah’s default sett…

Jonah’s default setting is “happy.” I don’t just mean “content.” There is a smile that lives in this kid’s heart. Every…

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Not sure if I should… (video)

Not sure if I should praise him for his creativity or cry for the waste of precious coffee... Happy Monday!…

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Jonny, my oldest doe…

Jonny, my oldest does not have any specific diagnosis. The geneticist is convinced there IS a genetic component…

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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