Temple Grandin TED Talk — The world needs all kinds of minds

November 28, 2016| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
November 28, 2016|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Temple Grandin TED Talk — The world needs all kinds of minds

The world needs all kinds of minds

After we were made aware they suspected Jonah was on the autistic spectrum, we went through a mourning period.

I suppose I was mourning the loss of potential I saw in Jonah. I was bitter, despondent, and sad.

Seeing this Ted talk by Temple Grandin and her story of breaking through her autism really helped to inspire us. Autism does not define a person. It can actually enhance some of their abilities!

And she is just a firecracker! Almost impossible to believe she was once non-verbal!

There is also a movie on Netflix starring Claire Danes called “Temple Grandin” that I would highly recommend.

“There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child CAN do instead of what he CANNOT do.” – Temple Grandin

Original Facebook Post.