Sometimes milestones just creep up on you

February 26, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
February 26, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Sometimes milestones just creep up on you

Jonah can consistently say “paint” and use it correctly to request it.

Jonah can properly say and identify “mama” and “Dada”

Jonah will use “bye bye” properly on occasion.

Jonah will sign AND simultaneously say “more” and use it appropriately.

Jonah can say an approximation of our cat “Russel”

Jonah will answer with “Dada!!” when I call “Jojo!”

Jonah will request “bath” verbally.

Jonah will sing portions of 2 songs (Ring around the rosey and Chewey Bubblegum.)

Sometimes milestones just creep up on you and you need to just step back and take stock of the progress made…

Otherwise you can get too focused on things lost or regressed and miss the accomplishments.

We’re so proud of you Jojobee!

Original Facebook Post.