Light it up Blue?

April 2, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
April 2, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Light it up Blue?

Today is World Autism Awareness Day.

I am aware of the controversy within the Autism community about the “Light It Up Blue” campaign by Autism Speaks. I am not going to go into that. Some people are choosing to “light it up Gold or Red instead.” I am fine with that.

Endorsing or rejecting “Autism Speaks” is not the purpose of World Autism Awareness day. It’s actually not about “Autism Speaks” at all.

I don’t know what it’s like to be autistic. I don’t pretend to know.
Because I’m not autistic.

But I love someone who is.

And his favorite color is blue.

He carries a bottle of blue paint everywhere he goes. When he was in his very first play group, the only way his teacher could get him to sit at a table with the other kids was to sit him in a miniature sofa. It was blue.

He loves to make art with blue.

He paints all in shades of blue. He would get upset when the blue would run out. We bought an industrial size bottle of blue paint. Just for him.

I will light up the world in whatever color best represents a positive impact for you.

Jojo paints his world blue.

I paint it blue today for Jojobee.

edit: I’ve had a lot of inquiries about getting my “Autism Awareness | Acceptance frame” for their profile pic.

I have decided to open this up to everyone. If you want to use it, PM a profile image to my page and I will do my best to get it to you.

You may need to be patient.

Original Facebook Post.