So Jonah peed on the floor in the bathroom today

May 17, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
May 17, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

So Jonah peed on the floor in the bathroom today

FAIR WARNING This is a potty post.




So Jonah peed on the floor in the bathroom today.

It was really close to the toilet?

We’re not exactly potty training so I didn’t know whether to cheer for him or not. He was just waiting for his bath to fill up and didn’t want to get in yet and …let it go.

Actually, I didn’t really respond at all. Just got it cleaned up.

But it got me thinking.

I brought out his actual potty seat and put on his Gemiini “potty training” video.

He sat on the potty twice, but didn’t actually do anything. Lots of cheers for that though.

Gemiini (understandably) doesn’t actually include the part where the child goes “pee-pee” so I don’t know if Jonah realizes what to do yet.

I guess “the floor” is a start. It’s like what every little boy does, right?

Good God. Sometimes I look at my parenting skills from an outside point of view and think “What am I even doing as a parent?” sigh šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬

Original Facebook Post.