My wife and I took a trip to Las Vegas last weekend…

October 10, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
October 10, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

My wife and I took a trip to Las Vegas last weekend…

My wife and I took a trip to Las Vegas last weekend.

Both boys went to Grammy and Papa’s house for 2 nights. It is the first time in a long while that we have had uninterrupted adult time for an extended period of time.

The boys love going to Grammy and Papa’s. Grammy stayed up watching Jojo until 4am although he went to sleep much earlier. She didn’t want him eloping on her or getting up in the middle of the night, disoriented and alone.

Papa played with both his boys, playing “tickle monster” with Jonny and helping Jojo to name all the different fruits they had.

Auntie also is a huge help with both boys cooking meals and helping Jonny with his homework.

Auntie and Jonny met us at the airport and Jojo had a big grin when we saw him again.

Thank you, Grammy, Papa, and Auntie! We love you guys.

A special thanks to Autism – Doesn’t Come With Instructions for sharing

Original Facebook Post.