November 7, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
November 7, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes


Jojo ABSOLUTELY rocked his dentist appointment yesterday.

The last appointment we had was an absolute train wreck. (The dentist’s comment last time was, “boy, he’s strong isn’t he.”)

We have been working very hard to work on our “teeth brushing” routine and Jojo has gotten so good at allowing us to brush with him.

I was nervous because the dentist was using that little “fish hook” tool that WOULD legit draw blood if Jojo started thrashing while he was using it.

But Jojo opened his mouth right up for the dentist and allowed him to inspect his teeth. He even let him apply some fluoride to help clean them.

He actually had a better visit than his older brother (who had his checkup at the same time), who wouldn’t cooperate at all, and who also wanted to come check in Jonah to make sure he was okay.

Jojo did so great. I couldn’t have been more proud.

He even got a wind-up toy, which is one of his favorite types of toys from the dentist afterward.

Original Facebook Post.