Playing Catch with my Ausome Son (video)

January 5, 2019| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
January 5, 2019|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Playing Catch with my Ausome Son (video)

This hits home for me.

Just before Jonah was officially dıagnosed, I was in a very “dark” place emotionally. I grew depressed and despondent.

It was basically a “mourning” period for me. I used to make mental lists of things I could never do with my son because… “Αutısm.”

In actuality I didn’t know ANYTHING about Αutısm and I grew to HATE my attitude.

It was selfish, unhealthy, and SO unfair to my son. So I changed my attitude…

This clip hits home for me because one of those things that was on my “list” was “playing catch.” I thought I would NEVER be able to “play catch” with my son.

I wish I could go and show this clip to myself three years ago. I wish I could “tell myself” not to even think about putting limits on Jonah’s potential…

Because he is the SAME KID. He pushed his boundaries then. He pushes his boundaries now. If you ever tell him he can’t do something, he will not only do it… he will EXCEED your expectations.

We must have played catch close to half an hour. By the end, he was throwing me the ball without even looking at me.

Because, that is what he does.

Original Facebook Post.