Absolutely. It’s so …

July 10, 2022| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
July 10, 2022|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Absolutely. It’s so …

Absolutely. It’s so nice to have people who “get it” and not have to apologize when Jojo is being “Jojo.”

[love this from Stories About Autism]

Soon after Jude’s diagnosis, I met another couple whose son is autistic, and a few years older than Jude.

It felt amazing to talk to people who just got it. Who had been through similar experiences, similar worries, and just understood everything I said. They became great friends.

Over the years, and especially since starting this page, there’s been many people who have come into my life who just ‘get it.’

Who you don’t have to explain to about why you can’t make it to the birthday party.

Why your child is barefoot in the playground, flicking sand everywhere.

Why they’re wearing ear defenders.

How tiring it is having to fight so hard for the support your child needs and deserves.… More

Original Facebook Post.