2016. Jonah was 2 ye…(video)

April 1, 2023| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
April 1, 2023|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute

2016. Jonah was 2 ye…(video)

2016. Jonah was 2 years old. Our early-intervention behavioral specialist suspected he might be autistic and she recommended we have him evaluated. I was skeptical, but I put Jonah on multiple waiting lists. They were years long. While we waited, I began recording everyday “typical Jonah” behavior. I wanted to give the diagnostician a complete profile of everyday life for Jonah. This is that video. (I may have cherry picked the highlights). I genuinely believed Jonah was a quirky, typically-developing 2-year-old who was just speech-delayed with possibly some other minor developmental delays. Just after Jonah’s 3rd birthday, we received a call. We could get Jonah evaluated after only 9 months… More

Original Facebook Post.