August 29, 2008
New Pics & updates
Things are infinitely better since my last post. Things seem so much worse when you are tired and I was plenty of that…
August 20, 2008
Medical Shenanigans 2
So today we took Jonny to the doctors office. Not the orthopedic specialist (that's on Monday), not the cleft palate…
August 13, 2008
Working for Sleep
So Jonny is a month and a day old today! Sooooo big. He now weighs 9lbs 3oz, which means he's gained a whole pound…
August 6, 2008
Meeting the rest of the fam.
Jonny had an absolutely marvelous weekend with his cousins and Auntie S. and Uncle G. He went to the zoo, went to…
July 27, 2008
Medical Shenanigans..
We are now making appointments to see 5 different specialists for various “abnormalities” regarding Jonny since birth.…
July 21, 2008
A night with the baby…
Well, we are slowly adjusting to having a baby in our lives. Watching a newborn parenting video, the instructor says,…
July 19, 2008
Tummy Time!!
Here are a few pics of Jonny getting some tummy time on the boppy. Today he is 8 days old! His neck is as strong as…
July 18, 2008
The birth of our son
For those of you who didn't get my updates, here is the story. Mama's water broke at about 2:00 am or so July 11. Labor…