May 25, 2017
I Told my Young Son That His Little Brother has Autism
Yesterday evening, Jonny (my NT 8-year-old) noticed I got a package in the mail from Amazon. Now an Amazon package to a…
May 17, 2017
Level 3 – Requiring Very Substantial Support
Jonah has been making some big strides in his development in the last few months. He has been able to blow kisses, he's…
May 12, 2017
A Standoff With The Teacher
So Jonah has an established "leaving" routine at school. The developmental preschool class is let out 5 minutes early…
April 28, 2017
To the Parent of the “Perfect Daughter” in My Son’s Class
Dear parent of a child in my son's class, You didn't see me. I was walking up to pick up my autistic (non-verbal) son…
April 27, 2017
What is “Autism Awareness?”
As I wade into being a parent of my little Ausome, I am learning that Autism awareness is so much more than a puzzle…
April 2, 2017
Tonight, You Saw a Boy
Tonight, you saw a boy who didn't care to interact with others. Tonight I saw a boy, who just yesterday, travelled 2…
March 11, 2017
Meltdown vs. Boiling water
The word "meltdown" in the general population has a very watered-down connotation. People familiar with autism KNOW…
March 11, 2017
Just Run With It
I used to go to the gym a while back. When I could take Jonah to the gym with me and he would be fine in childcare for…
March 9, 2017
Jonah’s Parent-Teacher Conference
So we had parent-teacher conferences yesterday for Jonah. Here's how it went. When we got there, Jonah assumed we were…
March 8, 2017
Just. Tired.
We are about 2 hours into our bedtime routine. Jonah isn't tired. He's restless, but not melting down. He's roaming his…