Some of you may know, but I’ve been blogging for a long time…
a VERY long time.
Back before the prevalence of social media, I set up a little blog in 2008 just to share what was going on with our family. I called it the “Reynolds Rap.” (I used “Reynolds Latest” because “Reynolds Rap” was taken on Blogger). I wrote mostly for family and friends. This was way before we knew anything about parenthood. I had no idea what “parenthood” would turn into… No idea what “parenthood” even WAS.
This was before all the diagnoses. Before “autism.” Before we knew anything about Kabuki Syndrome.
This chronicles the beginning of our parenting journey as we tried to piece together all the “ins” and “outs” of parenthood. It shows the ups and downs we experienced figuring out “life” as young marrieds and young parents.
It shows us just trying to navigate things like the numerous medical issues with Jonny, the 3AM whine-fests, and random thoughts that would pop into my head before the age you could just post them as “status updates.”
I had to edit and redact a lot of it for privacy concerns, but the heart of the blog is still here. This ran sporadically from 2008, until I set up “A Touch of Ausome” back in 2016. There were some periods I would post multiple times a day… and some periods I would post once or twice a YEAR.
In any case, here it is.
August 26, 2015
Laundry and keys
So funny story this morning... I went into the garage to throw a load of laundry in the washer before leaving the house…
August 26, 2015
Teeth and Thumbs
So Jonny’s teeth are becoming an issue. We knew that it would happen eventually but now he has a loose tooth.…
March 14, 2015
Jonny Discovers Mortality Reality in Kung Fu Panda
This morning started off as a usual Saturday. I got up with Jonah about 7am, made him a bottle and let him play…
November 26, 2014
My thoughts on gaming…
I know there are a lot of parents out there who feel that video games are detrimental to children. They shorten…
October 6, 2014
Kindergarten 2…
So it is now October... and I was going to post a blog about Jonny's school situation in September. But I didn't...…
May 1, 2014
Candy: Jonny boy (part 2)
Nothing makes a parent more proud than when they see the fruits of years of planting and nurturing the values instilled…
April 17, 2014
“ARE YOU NOT RETAINED!!?” Jonny boy (part 1)
So it’s been a while since I last posted. I took a class at the end of February which required a media fast. And…
February 12, 2014
“I killed you!”
Recently, Jonny went to Grammy and Papa’s house. This is almost a weekly ritual. I’m sure most of you…
January 18, 2014
I have a dream…
So this weekend we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jonny does not have school on Monday and last Friday, his school…
January 10, 2014
Jonny’s IEP meeting.
For those of you unfamiliar with current “Special Ed” terminology, IEP sands for “Individualized…
January 8, 2014
Jonah’s 2 month stats
So I was going to write-up a big to-do about Jonah’s 2 month stats…but really here are the…
December 23, 2013
It doesn’t really ever end… does it?
So funny story… With the birth of Jonah, Mama gets a nice little maternity break. (3 months…I love her…
December 11, 2013
My Picky Eater is Pickier Than Your Picky Eater
You may think that this is an exaggeration, but it isn't. Jonny is by far, the pickiest eater I have ever seen. Now,…
November 28, 2013
Happy Birthday Auntie!
So… I must give honor to where honor is due. And seeing how Nov. 27 is my sister’s birthday, that in itself…
November 26, 2013
Jonah’s medical shenanigans…
Wait, what? No, no no no, not to worry... there is nothing wrong with Jonah, but I just wanted to contrast this post…
November 24, 2013
School blues…
The last couple days, Jonny has come home from school exhausted. And I mean he comes home and sleeps. Today it was 2…