Some of you may know, but I’ve been blogging for a long time…
a VERY long time.
Back before the prevalence of social media, I set up a little blog in 2008 just to share what was going on with our family. I called it the “Reynolds Rap.” (I used “Reynolds Latest” because “Reynolds Rap” was taken on Blogger). I wrote mostly for family and friends. This was way before we knew anything about parenthood. I had no idea what “parenthood” would turn into… No idea what “parenthood” even WAS.
This was before all the diagnoses. Before “autism.” Before we knew anything about Kabuki Syndrome.
This chronicles the beginning of our parenting journey as we tried to piece together all the “ins” and “outs” of parenthood. It shows the ups and downs we experienced figuring out “life” as young marrieds and young parents.
It shows us just trying to navigate things like the numerous medical issues with Jonny, the 3AM whine-fests, and random thoughts that would pop into my head before the age you could just post them as “status updates.”
I had to edit and redact a lot of it for privacy concerns, but the heart of the blog is still here. This ran sporadically from 2008, until I set up “A Touch of Ausome” back in 2016. There were some periods I would post multiple times a day… and some periods I would post once or twice a YEAR.
In any case, here it is.
November 20, 2013
Obligatory New Photos!
Because being a 2nd child myself, I am bound and determined to post as many of Jonah as a baby as I did of Jonny……
November 10, 2013
Adjusting to a new life
This was accompanied with an hour’s worth of updates about life with 2 kids and it was all deleted on…
November 7, 2013
The birth of Jonah Paul Reynolds
You will have to excuse me. I am writing this the morning after Jonah was born and I am a bit sleepy. But I wanted to…
October 31, 2013
It’s back!!
Yes!! We’re at it again baby!! Baby… that makes 2 babies!! Jonny likes to call this one…
December 7, 2012
Where to start
"The First Foot Drops" So a couple weeks ago, Mama had a routine physical and the doctor recommended an…
June 6, 2012
A Sad Way to Update
I don’t know how to start. Last Friday we said an untimely goodbye to Captain, our indoor kitty of 8 years.…
June 7, 2011
ooh I feel the need to blog.
But I don't have time right now. Which is the story of this blog. I know you are dying to find out the happenings here,…
May 9, 2011
How do I log into my blog again?
Hey look! A new blog post! Unfortunately the lens on my…
January 26, 2011
11 Step Program for Parenting
I got this from a friend of mine. I thought you parents might appreciate it... (*yes we are all still alive - even…
July 20, 2010
Summer Birthdays!
Wow this blog has been neglected. You like how I just threw up pics for the last 2 without so much as a caption? Jonny…
May 14, 2010
Spring has sprung!
Okay okay okay… feeling guilty about the lack of posting-ness going on around here. I’ve been busy? well…
April 16, 2010
Because I’m cute…that’s why.
Jonny was dedicated last weekend at church. He slept through the whole thing. It was awesome. I will post stories and…