Some of you may know, but I’ve been blogging for a long time…
a VERY long time.
Back before the prevalence of social media, I set up a little blog in 2008 just to share what was going on with our family. I called it the “Reynolds Rap.” (I used “Reynolds Latest” because “Reynolds Rap” was taken on Blogger). I wrote mostly for family and friends. This was way before we knew anything about parenthood. I had no idea what “parenthood” would turn into… No idea what “parenthood” even WAS.
This was before all the diagnoses. Before “autism.” Before we knew anything about Kabuki Syndrome.
This chronicles the beginning of our parenting journey as we tried to piece together all the “ins” and “outs” of parenthood. It shows the ups and downs we experienced figuring out “life” as young marrieds and young parents.
It shows us just trying to navigate things like the numerous medical issues with Jonny, the 3AM whine-fests, and random thoughts that would pop into my head before the age you could just post them as “status updates.”
I had to edit and redact a lot of it for privacy concerns, but the heart of the blog is still here. This ran sporadically from 2008, until I set up “A Touch of Ausome” back in 2016. There were some periods I would post multiple times a day… and some periods I would post once or twice a YEAR.
In any case, here it is.
October 4, 2009
Is that a word? It is exactly how I have been the last month or so. Really, a lot has gone on, but with the lack of…
September 16, 2009
Unhappy Cat
Ever since we had Jonny, our cats have been… well, neglected to say the least. And when you have a long-haired…
August 31, 2009
August – "Potporri"
August has been a whirlwind month. We took Jonny to the zoo for the first time with our good friends visiting and their…
August 30, 2009
Bad Request – Error 400 the response I get from blogger when trying to upload my photos over the weekend. But I digress. Friday was my…
August 23, 2009
Random pic of the day!
One bad thing about having a nice big digital SLR camera is it is BIG. I mean it is a royal pain to carry around. That…
August 12, 2009
Happy Wife… Happy Life
Mama made an observation the other night. I am usually the one who gets up and puts Jonny back to sleep when he wakes…
July 29, 2009
A day at the lake
I thought Mama had given birth to a little bubba-boy… apparently she gave birth to…a little bubba-fish.…
July 29, 2009
Way too hot for this…
Living in the Temperate Coastal climate of the Pacific Northwest, rarely will a thermometer spit out a reading higher…
July 21, 2009
Post Surgery updates
I have spent most my free time doing things that need to be done or sleeping so this blog was written, waiting to be…
July 14, 2009
Waiting for the other shoe to drop…
I’ve actually written most this blog already, but I’m adding this to the top because when I write while I feel…
July 12, 2009
Jonny’s Birthday!
Ididn’t take a single solitary still photo at Jonny’s party because I left the camera in the car. I’m a bit…
July 1, 2009
Jonny’s surgery
We just found out that Jonny's surgery to repair the partial cleft in his soft palate and have tubes inserted in his…
June 30, 2009
Jonny’s Haircut
We took Jonny to get a haircut yesterday and he was not impressed. He did just fine until the clippers came out. He…
June 11, 2009
An awfully good book.
Mama got me the first book from the "Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind for Christmas last year. I started…