A good day.

November 12, 2008| Jason Michael Reynolds|5 Minutes
November 12, 2008|By Jason Michael Reynolds|5 Minutes

A good day.

I’ve just read through my entire blog front to back and noticed that I tend to report more when things are not going well than when things are cruising.

Well, all in all for us, things are cruising.

Today Mama had a day off of work, so we got up, (I had to work a bit, but was done by 3). Jonny had a pediatric checkup (4 mos) and that went relatively well. The pediatrician said that he was 13lbs (of course with a cast) so he has lost weight in his lower half, and gained weight in his length and upper half. We also found out that his pupils are different sizes…which really means nothing medically but the doctor just had to bring it up…you know, just to tell us it’s weird. He was supposed to have his 2nd round of immunizations (ie. shots) today but the normal place they would administer the shots were covered by a massive blue cast. So…Friday the shots will be administered by the orthopedic surgeon after he cuts Jonny’s cast off and before recasting him. That’s right, Friday, we go in to have his cast replaced.

Essentially it is the same deal as before, they knock him out with an anesthetic, plug an IV in him (hopefully the first try instead of the 13th like last time)…I swear the doctors thought he was a cute little baby pin cushion, then the doctor will cut off his old cast (which is getting really small on him, his poor little footsies are swelling up and he spends most of his ‘leisure time’ grunting and laboring to break out of his cast. I should have dressed him up as “The Incredible Hulk” or “Superman” for Halloween. Anyways, the surgeon will then bathe him (THANK GOD!) and assess whether his hips are still in place or not. He may have to inject a dye (along with the 2 other immunizations) into his hips and take an x-ray to be sure but there are really only 2 outcomes:

1) The doctor will determine his hips are still in place and simply recast him in a larger cast until around Christmas or…

2) The doctor will determine his hips are NOT in place and will have to do a more invasive surgery to correct it, making incisions on either hip, and physically clearing out anything obstructing the socket. In which case I don’t know HOW much longer he will have to be casted.

But we cannot do anything to better the situation now by worrying so I won’t waste the energy. Today was rainy, but we spent it together as a family and that was all the warmth I needed.

We took Jonny to the mall to get out of the house and it was a blast. Mama and I bought some new books, Jonny bought a couple new toys…well, mommy and daddy bought Jonny a couple new toys, we got some coffee and just hung out for a while at Starbucks in the mall. Jonny was enamored with the lights on the ceiling. It was priceless.

After that, we went home, Mama made dinner while I hung out with the little boy. We did laps around the living room and kitchen to keep the sights sort of stimulating while I talked to my sister on the phone.

Then, Jonny started fussing a bit. Mama fed him nearly NINE ounces in a feeding. That’s almost 2 whole bottles, Jonny explained to me that his cast was clearly not meant to be a part of his body, and he went to sleep on that note. I then took some time to reflect on what a great family I have and how special our little ‘Bubba’ really is. 

Now it is time to cuddle up with my beautiful wife before she has to get up for work in like 6 hours.

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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