New Pics & update

December 7, 2008| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
December 7, 2008|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

New Pics & update

We are counting down the days until Jonny finally gets his cast off. December 19th at 1:20. T-minus 12 days and his 12 weeks are up! We really really REALLY can’t wait!

Since the death of my PC, I ordered a brand new 24-inch i-mac that should be arriving tomorrow. I feel a bit guilty because they’re spendy buggers. It’s really like ripping a band-aid off when you order those things. Thank God I can write it off this year. We have left the PC world completely and are now officially ‘Mac’ people. Really, the only reason I preferred a PC to a Mac was the gaming capability on the PC, but I rarely play anything anymore. (But I did manage to find a game they made for the Mac called “Spore” so I’m going to give that a try if I ever get some free time) HA!…

Now I have to pick up the PC from the repair shop with my 36 gigs of ‘stuff’ they retrieved off it. It will probably take me a week to transfer all those files to the new Mac. Hmmm. I should give the new mac a name. How about Roofus? My cousins had 2 chickens a long time ago. I don’t remember the first one’s name, but I remember they named the 2nd one “Other-one.”

1 in 36….

1 in 36. I just saw this statistic on the CDC website, released this month. The CDC conducted this survey in 2020 with…

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Just wanted to ackno…

Just wanted to acknowledge this... Jojo cut his own nails. Completely unprompted. I even offered to help him and he…

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Through His Eyes

This is a fantastic piece by Lisa Lambertus called "Through His Eyes." "What does the world look like through his…

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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