Jonny’s surgery

July 1, 2009| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
July 1, 2009|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute

Jonny’s surgery

We just found out that Jonny’s surgery to repair the partial cleft in his soft palate and have tubes inserted in his ears has been moved up to July 15. When I say “JUST found out” I mean, Mama is working so SHE still doesn’t know yet.

It was previously scheduled for August 19th, but there was a cancellation and the July date works MUCH better for us.

We were planning Jonny’s birthday party for July 18th, that following Saturday, but we will have to see about that. It may not happen. I’ll keep you informed.

Prayers for healthy babies and rested parents!


I’m tired today. I don’t write well tired. Jonny is not sleeping very well at night again. NEED SLEEEEP. He is cutting…

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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