
October 4, 2009| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
October 4, 2009|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes


Is that a word? It is exactly how I have been the last month or so. Really, a lot has gone on, but with the lack of sleep (yes, Jonny is still not sleeping through the night and I am getting up with him 2-5 times a night) it makes everything I like to do feel like homework.

I can’t really nap because I have programmed my brain to try to cram as much “to-do list” stuff as possible into the spare free time I have when Jonny is sleeping and blogging is far down that list. Unfortunately, I’ll just start on a project before getting interrupted and it is some time before I can finish.

I have attempted to go back to working out after taking a 2 month hiatus but without proper rest, I can’t force myself to do it or make a routine like I used to.

Man. I really would love to water the plants and weed the front yard sometime. I spent all summer making sure the lawn was mowed, the plants were watered and weeded and the flowers and trees were so healthy (like every day before I put Jonny to sleep), then Jonny stopped sleeping through the night so along with working out I let it go for 2 months and it is out of control.

I can’t tell if Jonny is waking up because he’s teething or in some kind of pain, or if he’s simply waking up because he has gotten used to it. I’m unsure how to go about it. If he’s legitimately in pain, then I’d be (and am) more than happy to get up 5 times a night to rock him back to sleep. However, if it has just become a habit for him to wake up and wake daddy up, it needs to stop.

Ugh… 10 min of rocking and back to sleep vs. HOURS of crying before falling back asleep. When you’re tired, 10 min of rocking doesn’t seem so bad. After 2 months of this though, …I need to get my boy sleeping through the night again.

“Tentative Arrangements”

Yes. This. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to make “tentative arrangements” because we simply don’t know how Jojo…

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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