3am Rocking Chair Blues

January 6, 2010| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute
January 6, 2010|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minute

3am Rocking Chair Blues

Oh man. Is it even possible for a kid to cut 4 teeth in 3 weeks, wait 2 days, and start 4 more? I’m thinking of writing a blues song entitled “3am Rocking Chair Blues” as I type with 1 hand and hold said clingy child who must have Daddy’s lap to sleep in the other.

For the second time in like tw…

For the second time in like two weeks, I’ve found a tooth on my dining table. No exclamation. No excitement. Just left…

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So I opened up the f…

So I opened up the fridge and... “What the..” Apparently, Jonah is insisting on keeping “mermaid” in the fridge. 🤷‍♂️…

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Do your kids ever continuously…

Do your kids ever continuously “wink” their eyes over and over? (Right, left, right, left…) Jonny started doing this…

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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