Where to start

December 7, 2012| Jason Michael Reynolds|8 Minutes
December 7, 2012|By Jason Michael Reynolds|8 Minutes

Where to start

“The First Foot Drops”

So a couple weeks ago, Mama had a routine physical and the doctor recommended an ultrasound/mammogram because there was some abnormalities. This had us a bit apprehensive because Mama’s family has a history of breast cancer.

Our life group covered us in prayer for a good report.

So last week Tuesday, Nov 27, Mama was scheduled to have her mammogram/ultrasound. While she was in her appointment, I opened my lap top and jumped on Craigslist for South Sound/Tacoma just to see if there were any graphic design jobs in the area. There was one posted November 20th that looked like something I could do, (no details about company/pay/benefits, just looking for a general graphic design skillset).

I decided to at least see if the position was even available so I started an email to the poster…

While I was finishing up the email, Mama came back from her appointment. Everything was fine! No trace of …anything. Prayers answered! YES!

I showed Mama the position I had found on Craigslist, and she said, “well, it can’t hurt to try,” so I finished the email (all of about a 3 lines) asking if they were still looking to fill a position. I received an email back about an hour later asking me to submit my resume.

I was working that day on stuff for the Newspaper, so I waited until about 5pm and sent it off. I received an email back within about 5 minutes asking if I wanted to come in for an interview… I was speechless.

So the following day (Wed Nov 28), I emailed back saying that afternoons worked best for me. I received a call 5 minutes later asking if I could come  in that day around 2pm to interview… I was like “um… okay?”

So I while I was getting ready, I did some research on the company and saw that a good friend of mine was a fan of their business. I dug a bit deeper and saw that she was also friends with the owner of the company so I called her up to get the down low. The conversation (summarized) goes as follows.

“Great company. Great people. Let me call her (the owner) and give you a recommendation.”

I went in for the interview at 2pm. She greeted me with “You come highly recommended from (my friend).” So they got the feel for my skill level and made a partial decision but they never asked a single “typical” interview question (ie “what’s your biggest weakness/Name a challenge/conflict and how you overcame it.”) The whole thing lasted less than half an hour.

At about 5pm, I received a phone call from the owner extending an offering of employment. Trial period starting Monday.

I was floored.

Though my employment has been steady, the hours had been really dwindling and it has been a constant struggle for the last 2 years. In the Life Group I lead, it was something so prayed over for so long, it almost became rote recitation.

I wasn’t even actively looking for a new job and this was really the first “feeler” I put out there.


So of course when things are going so well and you know you are doing what God has called you to do, inevitably opposition arises…and it has (which is helping to confirm this is where I am called to be).

Last Sunday, (The day before my first day on the job), I came down with strep throat pretty bad. I had also planned my sister’s birthday party that day and missed the entire thing because I was stuck out an hour away at the only open Urgent Care facility in the area, from 10:00am until almost 3pm. But, I got my antibiotics and got some sleep.

Monday, I woke up feeling better (but still medicating) and went off to my first day. It was great. Very laid back atmosphere, flexible with hours and willing to let me finish out my obligations with my newspaper. I worked on multiple design projects, but I was beat when the day was done. So many projects to do. So overwhelming.

The week seems to be crawling by, and yet is a blur.

Yesterday, I got up and got a call from Mama at work saying the car was acting up. I called my mechanic (who informed me that he is slammed and won’t be able to look at the car until next week). He gave me some pointers but apparently the car is out of clutch (brake fluid). The clutch is on the floor, even after I refilled it. It is not drivable.  So, it is currently parked at Mama’s work where it has been since Wednesday. ugh.

After I picked Mama up after dealing with the car fiasco, I decided to just take Everyone to McDonalds because Jonny was at his wits end waiting for us to figure out what was wrong with the car and waiting in his carseat.

McDonalds debit/credit machine was down. They could only accept cash. I didn’t have any cash.

Jonny cried.

But since I promised Jonny McDonalds, off to the ATM I went.

My mom has been gracious enough to help us out and took Mama to work this morning at 5am.

I’ve picked her up from work the last 2 days after I got off work but I’ve had to get up with her at 5am and stay up late to stay caught up with my newspaper work.

It is now Friday and I am running ragged. Multiple projects for my newspaper have been due and I am struggling to find time to complete those tasks in addition to the tasks already assigned me at my work.

I just informed my newspaper today that I will be going with a new company and threw them into panic mode (I’ve been doing this newspaper layout for forever).

I will need to find a replacement for my position at my newspaper and I will need to train him or her… and I will need to do so rapidly. Probably during weekends and evenings in January. I have negotiated working part time in December, but my editor is also asking me to work January as well, which I may not be able to accommodate.

…and I am exhausted.

You guys!…

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Jason Michael Reynolds

Writer. Photographer. Ausome Parent.

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