Daniel Tiger and Caffeine.

March 25, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes
March 25, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes

Daniel Tiger and Caffeine.

Jonny had a “movie night” at his school last night (about 6pm).

I remembered seeing something about it and had agreed that Jonny could go, but I had forgotten about it until he reminded me that day.

I’ve never taken Jonah to a movie night so I wasn’t keen on taking them both.

I was going to wait until my wife got home to take Jonny but she wasn’t home at her usual time.

We waited. Jonny got impatient. The movie was about to start. I had a dilemma.

I waited another 10 minutes before I decided to just take Jonah along.

So I packed Jonah up with us and off we went. In the process, I deduced there was a slight chance that Jonah was working on “diaper presents” but we were running late.

So off we went.

Jonah didn’t want to stay in the gym at all where they were playing the movie. He cried. He flailed when I picked him up. So I put him in his stroller.

And yep. He had “diaper presents.” There was nowhere to change him.

I called Papa and he offered to stay with Jonny at school while he finished his movie (Yay Papa!) so I could take Jonah home.

Jonah fell asleep in the stroller. I put Jonah in his car seat. Jonah didn’t wake up.

We drove home. I put Jonah on the couch. He didn’t budge. I figured I’d change him when he woke up. He’s not very cooperative if I wake him up just to change him.

An hour passed. Two hours passed. Jonah didn’t budge. Movie night ended. Papa brought Jonny home. It was now after 8pm.

Jonah wouldn’t budge.

This was not good.

He couldn’t just sleep all night with a poopie diaper but waking him up was to risk him not falling back asleep. LIKE AT ALL.

But I figured, since he fell asleep around 6:30 anyways, sleeping all night was out of the question. So then, it was just a matter of either waking him up to change him and being awake until 2am… or letting him sleep waking up with him at 4am… with a poopy diaper.

I woke him up and changed him at about 9pm.
He cried. I put him in his jammies and put him in his bed.

To my surprise, he fell back asleep within 15 minutes or so. (About 9:45)

I was sure to have a 4am wake up call, but at least I avoided a meltdown.

And I got a little bit of my Friday night to decompress.

I was in bed before 11pm.

But as it turns out, I didn’t sleep very well after all.

I woke up for no particular reason about 3:30am and couldn’t fall back asleep.

So when Jonah sauntered into the bedroom and climbed into bed with us an hour later, I was just beginning to doze off.

But instead of going back to sleep we had breakfast at 5am. (I remembered Jonah didn’t eat dinner last night).

So good morning.

Today’s episode of life is brought to you by Daniel Tiger and caffeine.

Original Facebook Post.