Tired of not knowing…

November 12, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|7 Minutes
November 12, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|7 Minutes

Tired of not knowing…

Tired of not knowing what all the abbreviations stand for?

Here’s a cheat sheet for you!

• AAC = Assistive Augmentative Communication or Alternative Augmentative Communication
• ABA = Applied Behavioral Analysis
• ABLLS = Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills
• ABC = Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
• ADA = American with Disabilities Act
• ADD / ADHD = Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
• ADOS = Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale
• ADR = Alternative Dispute Resolution
• AEIE = Accept, Enrich, Inspire, Empower – Autism Empowerment’s 4 Foundational Pillars
• AER = Autism Empowerment Radio
• AIT = Auditory Integration Training
• APE = Adaptive Physical Education
• APR = Annual Performance Report
• AS = Asperger Syndrome or Asperger’s Syndrome
• ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder(s)
• ASL = American Sign Language
• ASR = Autism and Scouting Radio
• AT = Assistive Technology
• AYP = Adequate Yearly Progress
• BD = Behavioral Disorder
• BIP = Behavior Intervention Plan
• BMP = Behavior Management Plan
• BOE = Board of Education
• CAPD = Central Auditory Processing Disorder
• CAPTA = Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
• CBA = Curriculum Based Assessment
• CC = Closed Captioning
• CD = Cognitive Disability
• CDC = Center for Disease Control and Prevention
• CEC = Council for Exceptional Children
• CF = Cystic Fibrosis
• CP = Cerebral Palsy
• DA = Developmental Age
• DD = Developmental Delay
• DDA = Developmental Disabilities Association
• DDC = Developmental Disabilities Council
• DS = Down Syndrome
• DSHS = Department of Social and Health Services – oversees the social services provided to the citizens of Washington State.
• DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition) by the American Psychiatric Association
• DSM-V = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition) by the American Psychiatric Association
• ECC = Early Childhood Center (in Vancouver, WA)
• ECE = Early Childhood Education
• ED = U.S. Department of Education
• EHDI – Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
• EI = Early Intervention
• EIS = Early Interventing Services
• ELL = English Language Learner
• ESD = Educational School District
• ESD = Extended School Day
• ESL = English as a Second Language
• ESY = Extended School Year
• FAPE = Free and Appropriate Public Education
• FAS = Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
• FBA = Functional Behavioral Assessment
• FERPA = Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
• FOIA = Freedom of Information Act
• GE = General Education
• GF = Gluten Free
• GFCF = Gluten free, Casein Free
• GT = Gifted and Talented
• HI = Hearing Impaired
• HF = High-functioning
• HFA = High-functioning Autism
• HoH = Hard of Hearing
• HQT = Highly Qualified Teacher
• IA = Instructional Assistant
• ID = Intellectual Disabilites
• IDEA = Individuals with Disablities Education Act
• IEE = Individualized Educational Evaluation
• IEP = Individualized Education Program
• IFSP = Individualized Family Service Plan
• IHE = Institute of Higher Education
• ISAP = Individualized Scout Advancement Plan
• ITCA = Infants and Toddlers Coordination Association
• ITP = Individualized Transition Plan
• LD = Learning Disabled or Learning Disability
• LEA = Local Education Agency
• LEP = Limited English Proficiency
• LFA = Low-functioning Autism
• LRE = Least Restrictive Environment
• MA = Mental Age
• MD = Muscular Dystrophy
• MD = Multiple Disabilities
• MDR = Manifestation Determination Review
• NASDSE = National Association of State Directors of Special Education
• NCLB = No Child Left Behind Act (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)
• NIH = National Institutes of Health
• NIMH = National Institute of Mental Health
• NT = Neurotypical
• OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
• OCR = Office for Civil Rights (A part of the U.S. Dept. of Education responsible for enforcing Section 504)
• ODD = Oppositional Defiant Disorder
• OHI = Other Health Impairment
• OI = Orthopedic Impairment
• OSEP = Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education
• OT = Occupational Therapy
• P&A = Protection and Advocacy
• PALS = Peer-Assisted Learning System
• PASS = Plan for Achieving Self-Support
• PBIS = Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports
• PCA = Personal Care Attendant
• PD = Physical Disability
• PDA = Pathological Demand Avoidance syndrome
• PDD = Pervasive Developmental Disorder
• PDD-NOS = Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified – Not otherwise Specified
• PECS = Picture Exchange Communication System
• PLEP or PLP – Present Level of Educational Performance
• PP = Paraprofessional
• PS = Preschool
• PT = Physical Therapy
• PTI = Parent Training and Information Center
• RFP = Request for Proposals
• RS = Related Services
• RTI = Response to Intervention
• SAP = School Age Parents
• SAS = Supplementary Aids and Services
• SB = Spina Bifida
• SCHIP = State Children’s Health Insurance Program
• SCIP = Social Communiation Integration Program
• SDD = Significant Developmental Delay
• SEA = State Education Agency
• SEAC = Special Education Advisory Committee
• SED = Serious Emotional Disturbance
• SI = Sensory Integration
• SLD = Specific Learning Disability
• SLI = Speech / Language Impairment
• SLP = Speech Language Pathologist
• SPED or SE = Special Education
• SPD = Sensory Processing Disorder
• SPOA = Specific Power of Attorney
• SSDI = Social Security Disability Income
• SSI = Supplemental Security Income
• STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics
• Stim = Self-Stimulating Behaviors or “Stimming”
• SI = Sensory Integration
• SSI = Supplemental Security Income
• TA&D = Technical Assistance and Dissemination Network funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
• TANF = Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
• TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury
• TDD = Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf
• TS = Tourette Syndrome
• TTY = Teletypewriter (phone system for the deaf)
• TWWIIA = Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act
• VI = Visual Impairment
• Voc Ed = Vocational Education
• VR = Vocational Rehabilitation
• WIC = Women, Infants and Children (Special Supplemental Food Program)
• WWC = What Works Clearinghouse (Institute of Educational Sciences)
• WWSWD = Working with Scouts with Disabilities

Original Facebook Post.