Sharing a victory …

December 20, 2017| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
December 20, 2017|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Sharing a victory …

Sharing a victory from Autism. From a dad’s eye view because this is a HUGE MILESTONE, you guys.

I still remember the first time I heard Jojo say “Dadada” earlier this year and I was a blubbery mess.

Those that don’t know this journey will never understand. With nonverbal/preverbal kids, there is always the very real possibility that they will simply never have a verbal skillset. And we have come to be fine with that. We love them for who they are.

But when they take the extraordinary step of communicating something they never have before — that one “word,” “gesture,” or any breakthrough in communication (even using an assisted communication device) — as a parent, there is no better feeling.

Simply understanding and being understood is one of life’s greatest blessings.

Don’t EVER take it for granted.

When I went out the other evening to get myself some well needed heavy metal sensory input 😎🀘 Aiden went to the front door about an hour after I left and vocalized the sounds ‘Hmmmmmdadadadadaaa’
And then repeated it when Mommy put him to bed on her own …..’Hmmmmmdadadadaaa’ 😍😍😭😭😍😍😭😭😍😍 I’ll be over here in a pile of emotional tears, trying to put back together any semblance of macho mosh pit rocker that I was on that night out. 😁🀘

Original Facebook Post.