Today in particular…. (video)

February 3, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
February 3, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Today in particular…. (video)

Today in particular.

I just wanted to go to the gym for a little “me” time.

The car broke down on the way.

Spent most the day waiting for the tow truck.

The clutch is shot. Which basically means a lot of money is going south.

I drove back in a loaner

Meanwhile, the house has exploded with toys and dishes and laundry…

Jonah was giving Mama a hard time at home.

I got home just in time to make Jonny more “dinner” (which is just strawberries and cheese) before packing everyone up to church.

Jojo didn’t want to leave when it was time to go back home.

I packed him out like a sack of potatoes, Jonny screaming that he wouldn’t get in the car with a screaming Jonah.

Just got them both Home. It’s just about bedtime.

Jonny’s hungry.

He wants more cheese.

Jonah’s stripped down in front of the sink flinging water all over the kitchen.

An entire package of paper bowls litters the floor of the kitchen.


How’s your weekend going?

Original Facebook Post.