So Jonny bought this “toy poop” from the dollar store a while back… (video)
March 2, 2018||1 Minutes
March 2, 2018||1 Minutes
So Jonny bought this “toy poop” from the dollar store a while back (because he’s 9).
It was ‘conveniently’ lost, a short time later because ‘an anonymous “party-pooper” π (aka Dad)’ didn’t want to add a “fake poop” option when playing the “Is it poop or chocolate” game in his home.
Jonny recently found the fake poop under some furniture and the “fun” began anew.
And now Jonah is getting in on the fun. He is intentionally mis-labeling it as an “apple” and trying to feed it to us. When I correct him and say “poo-poo” he giggles with glee and goes “nom-nom-nom!!”
And then Jonny joined in the fun. Jonah will say “Apple. (nom-nom)” Jonny will yell “POO-POO!!!”
And then Jonah will say “Apple!” again… and Jonny “POO-POO!”
And now “APPLE! POO-POO!” is resonating all around my house like some deranged game of “Marco-Polo.”
What is happening?? Where am I even at right now?
I need more coffee.