How many of your kid…

March 24, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 24, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

How many of your kid…

How many of your kiddos love differing perspectives on the same thing?

Jojo loves looking at his hands… right in front of his face. He often looks at objects and seems to enjoy looking at them from different perspectives.

Also, when he is watching videos on my phone or the iPad, he doesn’t care if he is watching them upside down or right side up.

He can recognize letters from any angle.

One time he drew a “V” and labeled it as such… then he put a line through the center and re-labeled it as an “A” (upside down).

He will draw letters both upside down and/or backwards from memory, but still label them correctly.

He doesn’t seem to care if photos or letters are upside down or not. He doesn’t care if it’s up close or far away.

He finds the beauty in whatever he sees… from every angle.

Original Facebook Post.