Jonny used to ask Jo… (video)

March 1, 2018| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
March 1, 2018|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Jonny used to ask Jo… (video)

Jonny used to ask Jonah something and then when Jojo didn’t answer verbally, he would ask me “What did Jojo say? Daddy? What did Jojo day to me? Daddy?? Daddy!!”

He wanted to talk to Jojo verbally.

I’ve since explained Jonahs autism to Jonny and Jonny didn’t even bat an eye when he found out.

He’s just “Jonah.” Jonah just doesn’t use many words.

But Brothers need no language to communicate.

Jonny has learned to do this “back and forth” with Jonah naturally.

It’s a way that they can have fun together. They have a special bond.

Last weekend, my wife and I had a date night and left the boys with Grammy and Papa.

Jonny had choir practice while we were gone and Grammy took him while Jonah was occupied.

When Jonah couldn’t find his brother, he started crying and looking everywhere in the house for him. He was really distraught. Papa did the best he could, but Jonah wanted his brother to be there with him.

When Jonny got back home he stopped crying and he was happy as a clam.

A brothers love…

It makes me happy to know that whatever happens, they will always have eachother.

Just after I stopped recording, Jonny reached over and gave Jonah a big hug and said “I love you, brother.”

Original Facebook Post.