So yesterday was not…

April 23, 2019| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
April 23, 2019|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

So yesterday was not…

So yesterday was not fun.

I would tell you about the meltdown in the morning. How we were late for school. How Jonah wasn’t even dressed when I threw him in the car. How the cats escaped while I tried to herd the kids into the car… (it took multiple attempts) or the subsequent meltdown about being late… and the meltdown about getting dressed… like we have to do EVERY DAY…but you’ve heard that story…

You’ve probably lived that story at one point or another.

I would tell you about the subsequent meltdown from the older boy after school for an hour about having to do homework and the like. About how he’s so exhausted from school and his thoughts on the general “fairness” of life… but this isn’t new to you.

And then balancing it all with work, [the lack of] cleaning, lack of sleep, feeding the kids, doing the same load of laundry multiple times…

I would tell you all about it. But you know it already.

All too well.

This is parenting.

“Ausome parenting.”

I used to call it overwhelming.

Now I call it “Tuesday.”

Original Facebook Post.