So I Got a call home…

December 11, 2019| Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes
December 11, 2019|By Jason Michael Reynolds|4 Minutes

So I Got a call home…

So I Got a call home from the school nurse. Some kid threw a toy and hit Jonah on the head. He’s fine.

1st thought through my head: Well, at least he wasn’t the one who threw it this time.

2nd thought through my head: He probably deserved it.


(I’m terrible.)


Jonah has always been one to push his boundaries. And he loves to do things that elicit a reaction from people.

It’s just his personality. He’s a jokester/prankster and it’s his way of connecting with others.

He loves to make people laugh…

But honestly, any reaction will do for him.

While I’m folding clothes, he will push over the clothes piles and run away laughing.

He likes to get on brother’s nerves. After school, when they are waiting for me to pick them up, Jonah will purposefully throw sticks and leaves in the air when he’s not supposed to in order to elicit a reaction from Jonny, who is such a rule follower, it genuinely stresses him out that he can’t get Jonah to stop.

He’s even started EATING the leaves to get a reaction.

The kid who won’t touch a vegetable on a plate will start eating leaves off the ground.

…Just to freak his brother out.

And then Jonah laughs.

When he “gets” to Jonny, that’s “victory.”

Anytime he can get to ANYONE, it’s “victory.”

It’s not from a malicious spirit. He’s not trying to be “mean.”

He likes to tease people because he likes the interaction. And he’s trying to be “friends.”

And because he doesn’t quite grasp what is appropriate/inappropriate (or because he just likes to push his boundaries) sometimes he expresses himself in ways that …

…can be misunderstood…?

He learned how to burp. And now thinks it’s hilarious to burp in my face.

He swallowed a Dorito awkwardly once and started wincing in pain. I ran over to him because I thought he was choking. He thought that was so great that now he pretends to “choke” ALL THE TIME.

He pushes clothes piles over. He takes brothers toys.

When Mama comes home from work he comes up to her with a big smile and yells “Daddy get you!” (I want Daddy to tickle me! — because Mama’s not allowed.) And then he runs away laughing waiting for Mama to chase him.

And when dealing with his behaviors it’s important for me to remember that although he is autistic, Jonah is also a younger sibling and a kindergartener.

He is still developing.

He likes to push his boundaries because living on the edge is more fun, and sometimes that comes at the expense of others.

So when I get a note home saying “Someone threw a toy and hit Jonah,” a small part of me thinks, “well, it could have been an accident.”

Another small part of me thinks, well, it could have been a behavioral issue with another student.

But knowing how Jonah likes to elicit reactions from people, the larger part of me thinks…

“Oh boy. What did he do?”

Original Facebook Post.