To my child’s future…

February 2, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
February 2, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

To my child’s future…

To my child’s future employer:

It is February of 2020 today, but it may be much later now.

If you are reading this, then you are considering my child for an employment opportunity, and in your research, you tracked his digital footprint and have found this page.

I hope my writings have shown him in a positive light.

First of all, I couldn’t be more thrilled you are considering my child as an employee.

You should know, when he was younger, I wasn’t sure that he would ever get to the point where he would even be considered for candidacy for this position.

I hope my writings have given you some perspective to see just how far my child has come.

And what you will find on this page are some fun, anecdotal things I have learned about parenthood…

But what you will also find on this page is that my kids are both resilient.

You will see them bounce back from hard times. You will see how their character has developed into the bright young men that they are today.

You will see how they have overcome adversity, even when the odds are stacked against them.

Future employer, my child is a hard-worker.

But, a healthy environment helped to shape who he is. In my writings, you will see how a good support system was paramount to his development.

When you are considering him, please be considerate of him.

He may need additional support sometimes, and that is not a bad thing.

If you have made it this far in your research, then you have seen the payoff of all the investment of support that has been made into him.

He is worth the investment.

Part of what will give value to your team, is his unique perspective on life.

A perspective that has been shaped by the challenges he has and will continue to overcome.

My child has been a world-beater since he was young and would make a valuable asset to your team.

Thank you for your consideration.

-A proud parent

Original Facebook Post.