On my phone I have m…

April 28, 2020| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
April 28, 2020|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

On my phone I have m…

On my phone I have many partially-written posts.

I just haven’t had the time or energy to finish them.

One in particular I wrote 2 days ago. It was about both boys having a meltdown and having to decide how to deal with them, when helping one would be at the expense of prolonging and exasperating the other.

At the time, it was frustrating and very draining… I remember feeling like I wanted to … like I NEEDED to write about it… but I got about 2 paragraphs in and fell asleep, deciding to finish it later.

Only now, I can’t seem to remember what happened… really at all…

Because yesterday Jonah had a HUGE victory and it completely overshadowed the difficult day before.

(It was a personal victory for Jonah and not something I will share publicly.)

I can’t remember the difficulty of the day before. Part of me wants to try to remember what happened… just so I can finish the post.

The rest of me is asking … “why?”

I feel like there is a lesson to be learned here…


But it’s late and now I’m tired… (I’ll finish this later…)

Maybe the lesson is to stop trying to write these at night.

Original Facebook Post.