“Hey, buddy.
I just want to let you know I am SO proud of you.
If I haven’t told you enough, let me say, I love you. I am happy to have you. I am LUCKY to have you.
You are smart. You are capable. You are caring. You are kind. And you are radiant.
Sometimes, being a parent can be a challenge. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to figure things out.
Sometimes you have challenges too.
Sometimes, that’s just life.
But, through it all, I know we will figure it all out together.
Don’t ever think I would want a different version of you.
You are the BEST ‘you’ that you can be.
You are the ONLY ‘you’ that I want.
And YOU light up my life.
I wish that there could be more people in this world….
…just like you.”