So both of my kids h…

July 5, 2021| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
July 5, 2021|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

So both of my kids h…

So both of my kids have sensory issues and require accommodations of one kind or another.

But how do you get your kids who NEED accommodations to MAKE accommodations for others?

Current dilemma:

Jonny cannot stop coughing.

It’s a little bit of allergies, a little bit of a cold… but he’s got a little drip at the back of his throat making him cough about every 30 seconds.

He’s not really sick, but the poor guy just can’t help it. It’s just like a shallow, dry persistent cough.

The problem is that Jonah CANNOT abide Jonny coughing.

Jonah’s anxiety is so high, that he screams at his brother to stop coughing, progressively more aggressively as he ramps up.

But Jonny also has high anxieties about it. He tries his hardest to stifle himself but of course, he can’t.

And then Jonny starts crying because Jonah is screaming at him, which makes him cough even more… which in turn makes Jonah scream even more about it…

Which turns into two screaming, crying, coughing meltdowns.

So the boys need to be separated somehow…

But the other dilemma is that Jonah wants to do all the fun things his brother gets to do.

He wants to play outside if his brother is outside. If we go somewhere, he wants to make sure big brother comes too.

He CANNOT abide feeling excluded from what Jonny does.

So I feel like my choices are separating the boys … SOMEHOW… and enduring a meltdown about it from Jonah…


…Enduring a double-meltdown about the coughing and subsequent reaction.

I have half a mind to send Jonny to stay with my parents until he’s better, but Jonny wants to be able play outside with his neighborhood friends, which he should TOTALLY be able to do.

But Jonah will want to play outside as well, and will scream at Jonny every time he coughs.

Ugh. 😒

What would you do?


Original Facebook Post.