Love this from Bacon…

December 22, 2021| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
December 22, 2021|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Love this from Bacon…

Love this from Bacon and Juiceboxes

“An Autism Christmas”

‘Twas the night before Christmas and in the living room
A tired, haggard Mom swept with a broom.

Another shattered ornament tossed in the air
by a naughty little eight-year-old with candy cane in his hair.

He doesn’t mean to be bad or make his mom cry.
He just is impulsive and thought it could fly.

They ask what he wants from Santa this year
He replies with a rote “Santa fly reindeer”.

They politely decline invitations from friends
Instead, they will celebrate alone again.

It may seem sad or tragic, I guess.
But an Autism Christmas is different not less.

Their gifts are from Heaven. None could be bought.
They thank God for their child and the lessons he’s taught.

He’s… More

Original Facebook Post.