Jonny was honored an…

April 12, 2023| Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes
April 12, 2023|By Jason Michael Reynolds|2 Minutes

Jonny was honored an…

Jonny was honored and received an award from the school board for his outstanding character yesterday.

I’m so proud of him.

…But not for winning an award. Do you knows what makes me the MOST proud?

…That he didn’t even have to TRY to earn this.

He didn’t go out of his way to “do enough good things” to merit an award. It is all just “Jonny.”

At bedtime tonight, Jonny said he needed to talk to me. (We have a good “heart to heart” almost every night before bedtime).

Tonight, he was concerned about how he should go about making friends with a new student who seems to always be alone and doesn’t speak English.

He was concerned that one of the teachers (not even HIS teacher) was getting overwhelmed by her class load and might want to quit teaching.

He was concerned about doing his very best in choir class so his choir teacher isn’t embarrassed by their upcoming performance.

He is concerned that his friends aren’t staying on task during class time when they should and that they are not doing their best work.

He gets anxiety about the plight of other people around him, students and teachers alike.

He just has a heart for others. He will check in with his teachers and ask what “zone” their emotions are in and ask if there is anything he can do to help.

He writes people encouraging notes for no reason at all (even though writing is a HUGE challenge for him).

Jonah could not ask for a better big brother.

When Jonah started kindergarten, Jonny (at 9 years old) took it upon himself to write a note to Jonah’s new teacher to tell her all about Jonah and his likes/dislikes and challenges. He ended it by reassuring her and letting her know if she needed any help, she can always come get him.

Jonny won this award for his “outstanding character.”

But really, he didn’t have to “earn” it. It’s just who he is and what he does…

…every single day.

I’m so proud of you, Jonny!

Original Facebook Post.