Self-care is such an important…

July 7, 2024| Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes
July 7, 2024|By Jason Michael Reynolds|1 Minutes

Self-care is such an important…

Self-care is such an important part of caregiving.

How does the saying go? “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

But so often we neglect ourselves as caregivers and it can become really unhealthy.

So how do you find ways to take care of yourself when it seems caring for our dependents takes all of our energy?

For me?

I’m a creative. I write. I take pictures. I make music. Oftentimes, I have to use my creativity WHILE I’m care-taking.

For instance, I shot this photo after spending all day at the beach with Jonah on a cold April evening during the pandemic. For most of our Ausome adventures, I will just haul my camera around with me.

Most times, I won’t use it, but sometimes, I get lucky.

What about you? How do you take care of yourself?

#caregiver #ausome

Original Facebook Post.