Random thoughts as I ran 20 mi…

September 14, 2024| Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes
September 14, 2024|By Jason Michael Reynolds|3 Minutes

Random thoughts as I ran 20 mi…

Random thoughts as I ran 20 miles today…

“Wow. There is nobody around. I hope a wild animal doesn’t start chasing me. I’d probably die.”

“There is no way David Goggins ran a 135-mile ultra marathon in 130° heat. I can’t even do 2 miles in 74 degrees.”

“This song is terrible.”

“Why am I doing this… why am I doing this… Why am I doing this…”

“Ah. A lone female jogger. Should I acknowledge her or not acknowledge her? What presents me as less creepy or threatening? Guess I’ll do the ‘smile-frown head-nod’ at 10 yards out.”

She doesn’t look up.

“Well that was awkward.”

“Why did I do an ‘out and back’ route? Now I have to run ten miles back to my car or… I dunno… maybe I’ll just live here now.”

“Stupid running.”

Another jogger passes me like I’m standing still. “I could totally beat this guy in a race… if I was lighter… and younger… and in better shape…”

Three e-bikers pass me out of nowhere (as I’m completely spaced out listening to music). A spike of adrenaline causes me to audibly gasp and I about run off the trail.

“HOLY CRAP!!! … sigh I am so awkward. Did I just tweak my knee doing that?” 🙄

“Huh. I guess my right headphone will die after about 16 miles. Awesome.”

“Running 17 miles is stupid…”
“Running 18 miles is stupid…”
“Running 19 miles is stupid…”

“Ugh. I have to cross the road. I’m not stopping for this car. I’ll probably fall down. If he hits me, he hits me. If I die… I die. (Running is stupid.)”

After finally finishing 20 miles… just sitting in my car with the 1,000-yard stare.

“There’s no way I’m gonna be able to do six more miles. They’re gonna have to carry me.”

“Why do I do this to myself? Why do I need to prove to myself that I can do this?”

“Maybe you need to know that you can overcome seemingly impossible challenges.”

“‘Hard things’ are stupid.”

“Hard things ARE stupid.”
“But you can still do hard things.”

Original Facebook Post.